Saturday, May 23, 2009

Keepin' the guys motivated

Earlier this week the wives/girlfriends of all sales reps had a little craft day. We made sales tracking posters for all the guys to keep them motivated and striving for their goals. Jordan had all the sales reps write down their goals, big or small, weekly and monthly so we could make sure to incorporate them on their poster. Each one was unique and personally related to their interests. It was a fun little project and a nice way to get to know the other girls out here. We had snacks, fun conversations and just an all around good time making these posters, which I heard all the guys loved!

Here is Jordan's... for each sale, he moves up the basketball net. 125 is his total summer goal, and the 3 highlighted ones are his monthly goals.

1 comment:

Robin Lamb said...

Thanks for helping make that a fun day! The guys all did love their posters.