Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Brotherly love.

These are a few ways our cats sleep.... either on top of one another or spooning. so weird. And they have dubbed my blankey, their blankey.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Keepin' the guys motivated

Earlier this week the wives/girlfriends of all sales reps had a little craft day. We made sales tracking posters for all the guys to keep them motivated and striving for their goals. Jordan had all the sales reps write down their goals, big or small, weekly and monthly so we could make sure to incorporate them on their poster. Each one was unique and personally related to their interests. It was a fun little project and a nice way to get to know the other girls out here. We had snacks, fun conversations and just an all around good time making these posters, which I heard all the guys loved!

Here is Jordan's... for each sale, he moves up the basketball net. 125 is his total summer goal, and the 3 highlighted ones are his monthly goals.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Downtown Knoxville

Today I walked around the World's Fair Park in downtown Knoxville. They have a Sunsphere there that you can take an elevator to the top and see the whole city (for free!). There was a fountain for kids to run through, which was perfect for the hot, sunny day today. It was a nice relaxing day and I'm sure I will be there a few more times this summer.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tennessee . . . .

is such a pretty place to be. I am truly happy with the choice of coming here this summer, and very pleased with how it has been the past few weeks. I have been enjoying spending time with the other wives/girlfriends and am looking forward for what may come. There are lots of fun things to do around here, or at least an hour's drive away... I always forget my camera but hopefully I can update you (the few readers I have, hehe) with some pictures!
As for Jordan, he is working notably hard and doing awesome. I am very very proud of him and how he can balance all the things he has on his plate and yet, be positive and determined. He's such a trooper and I love him.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

...The past few weeks

I have a bit of catching up to do...

Well lets see. The night of April 23, I crawled into bed around 3 am (silly of me staying up that late to watch a movie, but anyway...) and woke up to my sister calling (around 6 am) to tell me she was heading to the hospital for contractions. I got up, showered, packed the car (because I needed to take all the things we needed in Tennessee for the summer at that time), gave Jordan and big, long kiss and hug goodbye, and started driving to Texas. It was around 8 am by the time I got on the road.... So with only 3 hours of sleep, I managed to make the long drive, and I got there around 1:30 am! I drove straight through! Well, with the occasional gas and potty break I got there in about 17 hours... Oh and not to mention I had to bring the kitties with me! They are very good sports when traveling and slept pretty much the whole time, which I was very grateful for
SO, when I arrived at the hospital Linda was doing well, feeling the effects of that epidural... I was able to drop the cats off at her apartment, grab some real food and head back over just in time for her to begin pushing. I won't go into detail but a few pushes later, around 5:25 am saturday morning, baby Chamiyu (cha-my-you) was born! He was 7lbs 4oz. And so little and cute.
By the time I got back to my sister's apt, I had been awake for a loooong time (over 28 hours) and needed sleep or I was going to fall over. I did eventually get to sleep around 10:30 am, and it was much needed!!

Jordan and I are both in Tennessee for the summer. Jordan's working hard and doing well. Knoxville is nice and we enjoy being here, despite the fact that we do miss our house a lot. I am currently on a job hunt, and can't wait to start working.

Lastly, a few days ago was Mother's Day; and I hope all the Mothers out there had a wonderful day and a great time with their families :)