Friday, September 17, 2010

a bittersweet goodbye

This is Beth...
I used to help take care of her and I spent a lot of time simply enjoying her company...
We loved to sit outside in the sun and count the airplanes that flew by, watch the neighbor's palm tree sway in the wind, write letters to old friends, go out to lunch at Sweet Cakes and sometimes Arbys, watch shows like Golden Girls or Little House on the Prairie, fold laundry together, go on walks, pick flowers, and just have a fun conversation.
She enjoyed getting her nails painted, having her hair curled, using the word 'Marvelous' and she would laugh so hard every time I would help her into my car... She thought it was hysterical, such a little person as me, trying to lift her into my suv... It was too cute and I'm going to miss all the laughter and her company, most of all. I am grateful to have had her in my life this past year. I'm sad she is gone but more feelings of joy come when I think that she is with her loved ones again and not suffering or in any pain anymore.
What a Marvelous lady!!

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