Thursday, August 6, 2009

J Turns 23!

August 3rd was Jordan's Birthday! We had a few friends over, played Skip-Bo and Apples to Apples.... We had pizza and buffalo wing dip. I tried to tie "23" and Jordan's love of Basketball together for his cake... Soooo what better than Michael Jordan (#23)... It turned out a lot better than I anticipated! :)
This was before I added the candle and the tootsie-roll basketball!

Singing "Happy Birthday" :)


Michelle @ Twig said...

How did you make that cake? It is awesome and my husband would have loved that!

Diana and Jordan said...

Thanks! Well I just printed out the logo and cut it to use as a stencil... I layed it on the cake and used black icing to fill it in, then just lifted up the stencil and wha la! :) I used a toothpick to fix any parts that were smudged. I'm not sure if you can see the basketball very well, but it was just rolled up tootsie rolls, then I made the lines w a toothpick and put it in the fridge to keep the shape until we brought out the cake. And the little basketball net toy was from the dollar store... It was fun to make!